The story of an African prince, Akeem (E. Murphy) who sets off to America in search of his bride and future queen.
His journey with Semi (A. Hall) lead them on a "different" adventure as commoners who found employment in a awfully familiar fast-food restaurant, Mcdowell's.
"They have the Golden Arches, we have the Golden Arcs!" -- Mr. Mcdowell.
Along the way, Akeem and Semi meet a handful of distinct characters that contribute to this movie's unique flavor of comedy that never went out of style.
"Thiszszzzz issszzz beauttiiiful...wwhut isss thiss vellvvvut????" --- My T Sharp by-stander
"I believe the children are the future...**singing** Schexual chocolate! Schexual chocolate!!" then abruptly drops the mic. --- Randy Watson of Sexual Chocolate (who by the way, resembles UFC's Rampage Jackson)
"I'm Cleo...I'm not sure what to call you."
"My name is Aoleon"
"Oh! Ae..Aelien!"
---Excerpt from Mcdowell and queen conversation
The joke at the end of the film, when the end credits start rolling, for me captures the distinct brand of humor this movie wrote in the history books of Hollywood.
"stop, stop, wait a minute, wait stop right there!
Listen: Stop right there, man. A man goes into a restaurant.
You listenin'? A man goes into a restaurant, and he sits down, he's having a bowl of soup and he says to the waiter, waiter come taste the soup. Waiter says: Is something wrong with the soup? He says: Taste the soup. He says: Is there something wrongwith the soup? Is the soup too hot? He says: Will you taste the soup? What's wrong, is the soup too cold? Will you just taste the soup?! Allright, I'll taste the soup - where's the spoon?? Aha. Aha! ...
Whadaya know from funny, you bastards?" -- My T Sharp by-stander
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