This is one movie, most boys, or should I say, gentlemen--of any age, makes a mark in their life. This is probably, the only classic film that most men use as their ultimate guide to living life and their overall relationship dynamics towards their business in general.
The film has this deep influence on us, not because of the fear of getting hit, fed to the fishes at the bottom of the sea, or simply made an offer we cannot refuse, but because of the utmost respect, the godfather attracts from his circle of influence.
Respect, the binding constant that most Coppola, and Puzo fans see in such a kind of literature.
It simply never gets old that many men across many parts of the world has used names in the film--Santino, Alfredo, Michael, Lorenzo, Luca or Lucas, and of course, to name their sons, cars, pets, and what have you, simply because of the sense of power or awesomeness it gives.
"You've always been good to me, ever since I came here. You looked after me like a father. I thank you. And I won't forget it."
--An excerpt from Young Vito's conversation with Abbandando in the grocery.
(The Godfather II)
The movie is also a healthy source of lessons on life and favors, accepting one and returning it back two-fold to the one who presented it to you. Not doing so is a sign of offense and might mean a grave situation, so to speak, for the one involved.
Needless to say, this movie is truly a rich resource of how men ought to live their life--less of the crime and violence of course.
All in the name of entertainment...One classic literature that will truly never be forgotten.